Introduction of BIM Technology in Rwanda !

In the implementation of partnership agreement signed between BIM Africa (Africa’s biggest BIM regulatory organization) and Nziza Training Academy on June 05, 2020 our institution finances the introduction of BIM training


Onyema Udeze



June 11, 2021 – 2:00 pm


June 12, 2021 – 1:00 pm


Nziza Training Academy, Kigali Branch

As part of the 2025 strategic goal of BIM Africa to educate more than 500,000 African construction entities on BIM, we are delighted to announce an introductory training on Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Rwanda. This is under the partnership we have with BIM Africa to help our country become familiar with the use of the world’s leading technology in the construction industry. We are starting the training for Architects to be followed by Structural Engineers,
Quantity Surveyors and we will conclude with Construction Managers.

In the period of two days, Nziza Training Academy is going to host a Building Information Modeling (BIM) training which is going to happen for the first time in Rwanda. The training will be facilitated by Onyema Udeze and on its first day it will outline local construction professionals that are experienced in architectural design; have started training on Building Information Modelling. The first day of the training will explain deeply what BIM is, how it works, and how Rwanda’s architecture professionals can kickstart their BIM journey. The second day of training will tackle the use of AutodeskBIM collaborate pro on the architects’ side in the establishment of collaboration between the project technical and administration teams.

To be able to attend this event you must submit your professional portfolio that demonstrates your
outstanding experience or record in delivering architectural design projects.